Back from whence he came...

Here we are. Elliott and I. It may sound a bit crass, but Germany is where he was conceived. I think that's why he feels so at home here. He he. We had to leave the full blooded German at home this time though. Too much work. Providing for a family is more important i guess. None the less, Elliott and I have had a wonderful time here. When you take a step back from something, you are able to better access the surroundings, and take it all in. Oma and Opa have done more than enough to make us feel home these past four weeks, and our time with them has been priceless. Not to mention all of the cool Aunts and Uncle Elliott has here. Elliott seems to think this is his home now, apart form me telling him we are flying home on an airplane next week. He looks at me a bit confused and reply's. "Go fly on airplane! Go see MiMi and BopBop, Daddy, and Liam!" A week and a half had gone by and I awoke to a message on my computer saying, "Call me when you wake up, your dad is in the hospital with stroke like symptoms." I freaked out. Then after trying to explain the situation in German to my relatives, which was a calamity, I called home. Long story short, my dad said his goodbye's to me over Skype. I thought i would never see my dad again at that point. Never hear him ask me, "what is God doing in your life?" As a teenager, this was the last thing I wanted to be asked, but right then and there it was the only conversation I wanted to have. Miraculously he made it. Our whole church prayed for him. I prayed, but this time I felt a bit guilty. Here I had been living my life, most of the time not being thankful for the things He has given me. Now, when I needed something, i expected Him to let my father live. I felt selfish. But no matter how selfish I am, God decided to spare his life and I can go on telling my dad what God is doing in my life. It makes you think, when someone you care about is at risk. I know I have learned something from it. Live every day like it's your last. A week later I found out about the fires. What a world we live in. As soon as Elliott wakes up, we are off to the allgaĆ¼. The area surrounding the base of the German alps. It feels good to write again.


Laura Cornett said…
Keep writing Hilary! Know that there are others in your life that love to hear what God is doing in yours!!
Tracey said…
Thanks Hillary. I read your short post while at work, and i really needed to hear what you had to say about being selfish. I feel similar to you, in that my life goes by so easily and I don't always remember to put God first... and then when something big happens (my mom is filing for divorce in a few weeks) I'm begging for Him to change the situation, to intervene, to bring restoration... basically demanding that God fix my family. Selfish indeed. But we're human, right? And part of that is messing up, being selfish, and all that stuff that makes us feel bad. Thank goodness for forgiveness.
Hillary Hand said…
Thanks Laura!
Tracey, i am so sorry to hear that about your parents :-(
Yes, you said it right, thank goodness for forgiveness of a God who knows it all, and has a purpose even if it doesn't make sense.

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